♥Cause my heart keeps falling faster,
/I've waited all my life to cross this line, to the only thing that's true.
Friday, September 5, 2008

Today was a great & tiring day, yea ?? hahahas... Went paris ris with julia, peiling, junhao, adrian nn ridhwan. Today was the first time julia reach on time. Bt me nn peiling was late. iie was late cos of myy sister lorhhs, iie am suppose to leave home with her so iie hav to wait for her. iie long time ready le lorhhs, so it's nort fault... hehees... uue think iie pushin blame right ? i'm nort okays. Then pei myy sis go find her fren cos ju went up to peiling's hus to wait for her. Guess wat her fren say ? '' dingju, this one ur mei uh ?? '' hahahahahas !! so funny ! so, iie am young & myy sister is old... wahahahahas... :D then walk to bus stop wait for ju nn pl cos pl just finish eatin. Bus-ed to white sand, buy present for boyfriend... Then they come iie jump out lyk am idoit lorhhs. Cos they didnt noe that i'm goin, it meant to be a suprise. The idea on how am iie goin to surprise them, is plan by peiling. It's a failure, partly myy fault luhhs. iie just anyhow jump. Lyk siao zhar bo. lols... so paiseh luhhs... then walked to pasir ris park, rented bike. Me & ju share the double bike, startin was hell lorhhs then behind is rather fun. Then change to me nn him. it wasnt fun already cos iie am tired. Then end up he ownself cycle while iie walk with his bag... hehees... Then actually want go play at the beach bt then very far then walk back to E!hub. The guys to play pool while we went to buy cake. & of cos, he cant eat so ended up on his face. Everybody kena expect for julia ong cos she ran away le. iie didnt do anything lorhhs, iie just stand there then ridhwan paik on myy hair nn shirt. ROARS !! T.T then went to wash hair, so sticky. -.- then walk around cos dunno where to go. Go bowling, all lanes are full ; kbox ? nobody's gonna sing nn very exp lorhhs. Then want to go ice bladin bt then at explorer kid, so didnt go. Finally decide to go nebo nn play board games. Julia's chinese is gettin worse, she said '' aiya, let's go play nebo luhhs. '' then everybody keep laughin. hahahas.. Went to nebo, order drink nn food, then play a game which iie dunno wat's it is the name. It a very fun game lorhhs, uue will pick an animal randomly then make the sound of the animal. Then giv out the cards, smth lyk smack. When uue and somebody had the same card, uue must shout the sound of the animal of that sombody. If uue shout first, the somebody will hav to take the cards. First round, iie won ! :D follow by pl then ridhwan then julia, jh nn adrian lost cos they hav alot of cards. hahas.. Second round ju won followed by me, ridhwan then iie dunno le. :X cos iie went home while peiling, jh nn adrian continues cos they still hav alot of cards. hahas.. Too bad mich couldnt come lorhhs. :( spend bout 20plus today ?? i'm nort sure. xP saw chun fai on the way back bt didnt call him, he's opps the road lorhhs. hehees.. today was a great, fun & tiring day. :} tired !! hahas..

once again,
happy 17th birthday, boyfriend ! :] iloveyou. <3

lots of love,