♥Cause my heart keeps falling faster,
/I've waited all my life to cross this line, to the only thing that's true.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Lessons as usual... 1st two periods is lit, busy doin art cos ophila didnt noe must colour nn darken the thingy then iie do lorhhs... 16 pieces lorhhs !! :P then was cme nn chinese... was talkin to peiling, so nan de lorhhs cos iie keep her book away from her then she will talk to me one lorhhs, that bookworm ! hehees... :D after recess was science, as usual too, the first thing ms vani came into class, was to scold ppl. lols... then maths gt back class test, iie scored 23/25. pro lehhs ? hehees... jokin luhhs, everybody also gt 20plus, no big deal. iie help emily nn peiling do corrections. iie so good right ? hehees.. cos peiling say iie very nosiy, she keep readin her book, iie talk to her then she say me nosiy. T.T so, iie find myy own things to do lorhhs, lyk helpin ppl do corrections... hehees... see, peiling so bad lorhhs. :X 2 periods of english, was doin file-in... then pc then RING RING ~ the bell goes nn we went off. No assblemly today due to the prelims, tables nn chairs fill the hall. hahas... peiling, julia nn michelle go mall then iie of cos go home luhhs. Then michelle scold me zhong se qing you. :'( cos iie always say iie cant go out with them ever since that incident. Then friday iie went out to celebrate his birthday. T.T iie where gt zhong se qing you ?! :'( it is really a coincidence that myy sister want to go out that day too. Myy father say either we both go togther or dun go at all. That's whyy iie ken go out de marhhs. iie NV zhong se qing you lehhs... sob sob ~ hais...
& myy sister's class blog is so lame lorhhs, iie mean the tagboard. myy sister everyday complain to bout that jestine. The two of them everyday quarrel at the tagboard. so bo liao right ?? so iie leave a tag lorhhs, just to ask them to stop arguing. ridhwan leave a tag there too cos myy sister complain to him too. & guess wat, the quarrel stops for sometime, then myy sister go tag again then that person start to argue with her again !! -.- then myy sister nn her fren say wat '' dingju's jie nn jiefu tag, uue dun dare talk back then dingju tag uue start to talk back.'' very lol right ? uue guys ken take a look there too, http://1a1o8.blogspot.com/ lols... say until lyk me nn him are pai kia lyk that. please luhhs... iie wouldnt do that kind of thing ken ? iie love peace ! if iie am lyk wat they say, iie would hav scold some ppl which iie really would lyk to do so lorhhs bt because of peace, iie endure lorhhs. watever ~

** to whoever see le nort happy or watsoever, please kindly go away. if uue want scold me, then go ahead bt dun blame me if anything happens. this is nort a threat or watsoever, it's just a piece of advice cos uue will nv noe wat will happen, neither do iie. this is myy blog, iie ken write or say anything that iie want, it's myy freedom of speech. iie am nort a chao pai kia or watsoever. iie am just a netural person, iie am nort that kind of guai guai kid too bt definitely nort a pai kia. say or think watever uue want, cos iie hav no rights or power to control wat uue want to think or say. that's all, say more make me more piss only. whyy bother ? doesnt worth it anyway. lols...

lots of love,