♥Cause my heart keeps falling faster,
/I've waited all my life to cross this line, to the only thing that's true.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Hi peeps !

iie am very piss off right now ?! Actually today is gonna be a happy post de lorhhs.. Lessons as normal then write proposal to go kota tingi for ncc. :) iie write a copy on behalf of all part Bs that want to go on one piece nn another piece for myself. :D went to giv them to ms nadleen after school then went art room to find ju nn mich, ju help mich with the art thingy. While me nn yeexuan went point to pack lunch, saw peiling nn huiqi there, peiling buy youtiao as usual, they goin back to school for muay thai. Then yeexuan come myy hus, eat & chit chat then use com. Gt somebody spam her blog lorhhs and she's damn angry. uue ken help her scold that person if uue want to, her link is http://ultimatesockrocker.blogspot.com/. :D

& the piss off thing that spoiled myy nice day is myy sister fren, once again !! :@
want to noe ? read myy monday's post (2nd paragraph) then iie go tag :
XIANGYUE': To JESTINE : uue keep quiet nn this blog will be more peaceful yea ? dun also quarrel with ppl.i'm nort sayin myy sister is correct bt hey at least check urself, take a step backwards gt so nan marhhs ? uue dun lyk peaceful isit ? lols..
& she start to scold me ! wth luhhs. iie am just sayin nicely right ?
see wat she say:
TO DINGJU SISTER: u tink u hu ??? shut up la hor... my mouth .. my freedom. i want peaceful okay.. hu dun want ??? but Ding ju start first... SHE SIMPLY SUX ! No one will like her lah ... SO BIG MOUTH LA HOR.. only scold scold all vulgar... she tink she my mother ah ?? wake up la hor... i dare ding ju arh.. if she dare scold me... i dare her scold me infront of teacher.... & by that everyone will call her very the "brave". this thing go on, want to see more go to the class blog, monday de post gt the link.

To jestine :
iie nv think iie am who, iie am nobody to uue and u're nobody to me. Bt hey uue are makin things diffcult for everyone. ya, it's ur mouth, uue hav the freedom to say anything uue want. So, iie ken also say watever iie want, wat rights do uue hav to ask me to shut up ?! if uue really want peaceful, whyy keep arguin with ppl ? & for goodness sake, she didnt start it first lorhhs. Even if she sucks, uue arent any better. How do uue noe that nobody lyk her ?! She big mouth, then urs very small isit ?! she scold vulgar, uue nv mehhs ? She nv think that she's ur mother lorhhs, please. uue then nid to wake up. Scoldin uue in front of teacher doesnt make her brave. So, wat if she scolds uue in front of teacher ? things get bigger nn bigger, uue lyk that isit ? still say want peaceful. && uue keep insultin ppl. uue say nobody lyk dingju then uue lehhs ? Ever since uue start this argument, nobody help uue lorhhs those who tagged are sidin myy sister. Please luhh uue, complain to teacher so ken myy sister right ? still say dare her to scold uue in front of teacher, whyy dun uue scold her in front of teacher. watever uue say, please think twice ken ?! iie talk nicely to uue then uue scold me. -.-

lots of love,