♥Cause my heart keeps falling faster,
/I've waited all my life to cross this line, to the only thing that's true.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
tina is 15 today. :) she's gettin prettier, iie am so jealous. hahahas...
went for ncc today, iie was super tired ken ?! was talkin to a fren till one plus. iie was kinda fallin asleep but still listen. :) at first was talkin bout mine lorhhs. hahahas...
meet julia outside school, she say wat she alone then ask me faster leave home. lols... then iie nv tie hair walk to school. did pt at classroom block. the floor so dirty nn wet luhhs, still do there. idiot ! nvm then went runnin around the school, water break then pull up. gurls must hang there. -.- did that then half an hour break. Then the rest of the day very slack. play water bomb, at first me nn ju was dry lorhhs then they play again, aim me nn ju. -.- end up wet lyk hell man ! went point with ju, weiliang nn yingcong. the rest of the day iie dun want to post le. iie totally hav no mood to contiune postin bout myy day cos smth hav spoil myy mood. Tmw goin auntie hus to eat celebrate ah ma's birthday goin to eat steamboat. iie was lyk so happy nn now ?! :'(

it takes two hands to clap !
stop blamin her ken ?!
it's nort totally her fault wat.
he is ur fren then of cos you help him
bt whyy do uue guys hav to blame her too ?!
she nv treat him as a ball !!
its nort myy problem, say until iie cry. -.-
when will bad things stop happenin ?
please god, stop everything bad right now !
lots of love,