♥Cause my heart keeps falling faster,
/I've waited all my life to cross this line, to the only thing that's true.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Today's english paper totally sucks !!
Damn diffcuit luhhs.. iie spend more than half of the time writin the report lorhhs & the report was very kns, iie didnt noe wat to write bout it lorhhs. shld hav choose proposal A instead of choose B cos iie didnt read A properly then iie dun understand then write half way then iie understand. -.- so idiotic luhhs. T.T then iie dun hav much time to do compo, just anyhow write a damn lame story which iie didnt develop much bout it. sob sob ~ paper 2 isnt any better lorhhs.. mdm martine's method of doin summary wasted 20mins of myy time nn iie didnt write a single bit of the summary. -.- so everything bout paper 2 was again very kns. english is a gone case man. Hope that iie ken pass nn its impossible for me to get B anymore. :'( hope that myy other subjects will be better, iie nid to study bt dun hav the motivation. roars !
After school, went to meet lixuan with julia to pass her the earings iie brought for her on the malacca trip. iie brought one for julia too. :D both of them say they lyk it. (:

lots of love,