♥Cause my heart keeps falling faster,
/I've waited all my life to cross this line, to the only thing that's true.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Had subject combination talk for the first two periods in the morning.. They shld talk to us earlier, at less before our english paper marhhs.. bt too bad they didnt.. i'm think of thinkin of takin combine science, julia suggest that iie go for pure sciences cos iie am good at science ? iie dun think so plus iie think pure physic nn chemistry are very very hard. iie dun lyk both of them too.. Dunno wat subjects to take bt all these will hav to wait till our exams result are out then the very next day must giv the option form le. so rush lorhhs.. -.- might proposal with same other frens to the principal to add in one more subject for combine science class, most of us wanted A maths, Biology & POA. Bt also dunno ken get A maths marhhs cos myy maths arent very good.. shall see how lorhhs.. hais.. gonna start exam very very soon !! & iie am nort prepared for it.. tsk tsk.. lit is on thurs nn we are expect to write alot alot alot for just one question ! -.- iie dunno how to write lorhhs.. idiot.. geo on fri too.. shall cancel tution cos iie doubt iie will hav time for geo so iie will need thurs night to study geo.. hais..

lots of love,
Sunday, September 28, 2008

Dont really noe wat to post.. :P gonna post something short ? cos iie snatch the com from myy sister nn she's snatchin it back.. lols.. -.- shuling jie jie is gettin married on 18 oct ! ;D she just drop by to giv us the cakes nn card. (: then rush off le cos she still hav alot more to giv out. O.O hahahahas... No dinner today, mummy say its supper. -.- she went off to buy crab nn chicken ! ;D iie love crabs !! muhahahahahahas ~ gonna end here, sissy is so so nosiy.. :X

lots of love,
Saturday, September 27, 2008


Actually didnt want to post de bt still decided to post cos iie also dunno whyy.. lols.. muhahahahahas ~ exams are reachin very very soon on 2oct which is only 5 days awhile.. i'm still usin com nn slackin myy days away. -.- finish readin staffy's angel in the mornin, it's quite a boring book.. -.- if it wasnt cos of lit exams, iie then dun want read sia.. :P shall iie continue tution on thurs ? i'll hav geo exam on fri lehhs.. shld iie change the date so that iie ken study geo ? lols.. aiya, see first barhhs... :X ok.. iie shall stop crapin cos iie find myself lyk a fool. -.-

lots of love,

Thursday, September 25, 2008

myy lovely frens ! (:

HEYYO !! (;

i'm rather lazy to post now of days.. :X so, might nort post that much anymore plus exams are comin in bout 1 week ! argh.. :'( there's tons of things to study on bt iie am only doin maths ? must start doin the others too.. tsk tsk..
lessons are as usual ~
after school, went for ncc meetin, blah blah.. then went point to eat with ju nn co. after that ju nn xuan went myy hus to study. xuan left at 5plus then around 6 we went point to meet cheryl to photocopy the longman geography guide book. :D its the one iie saw on last tues ? printed 3 sets cos xuan want it too.. :) that's all folks cos i'm lazy to write more. :X

lots of love,
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Today's english paper totally sucks !!
Damn diffcuit luhhs.. iie spend more than half of the time writin the report lorhhs & the report was very kns, iie didnt noe wat to write bout it lorhhs. shld hav choose proposal A instead of choose B cos iie didnt read A properly then iie dun understand then write half way then iie understand. -.- so idiotic luhhs. T.T then iie dun hav much time to do compo, just anyhow write a damn lame story which iie didnt develop much bout it. sob sob ~ paper 2 isnt any better lorhhs.. mdm martine's method of doin summary wasted 20mins of myy time nn iie didnt write a single bit of the summary. -.- so everything bout paper 2 was again very kns. english is a gone case man. Hope that iie ken pass nn its impossible for me to get B anymore. :'( hope that myy other subjects will be better, iie nid to study bt dun hav the motivation. roars !
After school, went to meet lixuan with julia to pass her the earings iie brought for her on the malacca trip. iie brought one for julia too. :D both of them say they lyk it. (:

lots of love,
Monday, September 22, 2008

english camp'07

ENGLISH PAPERS TMW !! :( gonna hav english papers tmw nn i'm still usin com while all myy frens are studyin. -.- bt iie dunno wat to study for english lorhhs.. hais... just hope that iie ken pass nn a miracle would hope that iie will get a B & iie will be super happy ! :} iie would really need that miracle. iie didnt even look at myy books today lorhhs. :'( went temple to pray today then go for dinner then home-ed. i'm lazy to post bout the malacca trip so no postin bout that. :X hehees.. iie shall off the com now cos iie hav nth to do might as well go out nn watch tv yea ? siianx...
suddenly miss him alot. :'(

lots of love,

Saturday, September 20, 2008
Oh well.. School as usual, went to point to buy sweets nn biscuit before goin to school. & as usual, iie only eat bout two then the rest was given to ppl. hahahas.. Mr chia make the whole express classes to stay back just to hear his naggin for almost a period.. -.- then went to sci lab to do experiment, quite fun ? hahahas.. 2periods of pe, didnt change cos iie was lazy to then tell naomi that iie forget to bring.. hehees.. then went recess with ju, lisa nn mich. Peiling stay in class to study. -.- then english nn then maths. iie hav been helpin teachers wipe the board these days. muhahahas ~ then spend maths lesson sweepin the floor, 2e3 is damn dirty. school ended soon after, went canteen cos mich nn shanelle want to eat. Saw mrs tan on the way, she ask me to find more ppl to go for the english camp. So, if anybody is interested to go, pls tell her to me. :D went for humanities club meetin, actually was breifing for the malacca trip tmw. :D went point after that. mich decide to buy another fbt shorts cos the other was way to big, buy some other things then went home. (:
Didnt go back to pri school to meet frens cos iie was lazy to go out. everybody was playin nn iie am left at home cos iie lazy to go out. iie hav the urge to go bt lazy. :X
hav to reach school by 6 tmw. :( that is so early, man ! iie think iie am gonna be hungry in the morning cos myy dinner is only curry veg ? myy mother dunno whyy go cook a big pot of it. lols.. gotta call peiling nn mich to remind them to bring passport. The both of them say they ken forget to it. -.- uue go overseas ken forget to bring de uh ? diaoz.. hahahas.. gonna bring 100 ringgits. shld be enough, right ? :}
*mich might bring her books tmw. -.- she hav become a freaky nerd le !

lots of love,
Friday, September 19, 2008
School is so boringggggggggggg !
First two period was music, some ppl re-test, iie didnt cos B was enough for me ? Ok luhhs, actually because iie cant play well, gt a B is good enough yea ? lols.. Then two periods of chinese then recess then home econs. Ms nadleen say iie did a great job, so happy. muhahahahas ~ siao le. :X then chinese again then geo. :) copy notes nn teacher told us the format for the test. Told mich bout it & guess wat ? Her teacher told her a totally different thing. -.- iie dun care, myy teacher is the setter so i'm gonna belive him. :D went heartland mall with ju, mich nn yeexuan to buy books. Finally get myy science book, mich nn ju brought the same too & they already hav alot of science books le lorhhs.. -.- saw a geo book with notes nn exercise, 11.90. so exp cos iie only want the notes which is lyk the first 25 pages. :( so didnt buy it. went home, bath then wait for tution teacher to come. Finished tution nn time to slack. :X iie cant study at home, dunno whyy ? lols...
i'm lookin forward to myy trip to malacca with humanities ppl. :D 3more days. ;)

lots of love,
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The deep blue sea.

very long nv post le cos there's nth to post nn iie am in a bad shape or mood ? now iie dun giv a damn anymore even though iie am still angry. A person that meet, chat once had actually scold me yea ? & iie didnt offend him ken ?! watever, iie say iie wouldnt care anymore, iie shall stick to myy promise. From now on, iie am gonna try hard nort to be a KPO yea ? next time ppl bully me or myy frens, iie am nv gonna care cos in the end iie will always be the bad guy. wat for make myy life diffcult ? Maybe it wouldnt be quite possible cos iie hav been a KPO since iie was born ? lols... unless iie shut myself out of the outside world ? hais.. watever. iie am nort givin it a damn anymore ! :D iie am gonna take a step at a time, wouldnt think so much anymore.
julia nn michelle is gonna go crazy with all their studies and i'm still relaxin. -.- watever. gonna end here cos iie dunno wat to post le.

痛到最痛就不会再痛了 !
iie am slowly gettin nearer to it ? iie am kinda numb le. so everything to me doesnt matters now ? maybe everything will start to matter to me again tmw ? diaoz.. iie sound so stupid bt if nv iie am upset, iie will rmb this very phrase. :D

lots of love,
Sunday, September 14, 2008
tina is 15 today. :) she's gettin prettier, iie am so jealous. hahahas...
went for ncc today, iie was super tired ken ?! was talkin to a fren till one plus. iie was kinda fallin asleep but still listen. :) at first was talkin bout mine lorhhs. hahahas...
meet julia outside school, she say wat she alone then ask me faster leave home. lols... then iie nv tie hair walk to school. did pt at classroom block. the floor so dirty nn wet luhhs, still do there. idiot ! nvm then went runnin around the school, water break then pull up. gurls must hang there. -.- did that then half an hour break. Then the rest of the day very slack. play water bomb, at first me nn ju was dry lorhhs then they play again, aim me nn ju. -.- end up wet lyk hell man ! went point with ju, weiliang nn yingcong. the rest of the day iie dun want to post le. iie totally hav no mood to contiune postin bout myy day cos smth hav spoil myy mood. Tmw goin auntie hus to eat celebrate ah ma's birthday goin to eat steamboat. iie was lyk so happy nn now ?! :'(

it takes two hands to clap !
stop blamin her ken ?!
it's nort totally her fault wat.
he is ur fren then of cos you help him
bt whyy do uue guys hav to blame her too ?!
she nv treat him as a ball !!
its nort myy problem, say until iie cry. -.-
when will bad things stop happenin ?
please god, stop everything bad right now !
lots of love,
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Oh well, they are finally 14 ! hahahas... yeexuan is gettin nearer to 16 nn she's gettin more horny. -.- stupid xuan, better stop urself. hahahas... :D
what exactly happened today ? iie dun quite rmb lorhhs. hehees... so iie will just skip here nn there. :P went to pass myy passport to ms ng cos she's thinks there's smth wrong with it. myy passport hav nth wrong lorhhs for goodness sake, mine is the new one that's whyy it is different. lols.. then after school, walk around the whole school to find ms ng with shanelle, she was havin lesson at 4a1 lorhhs. -.- then waited for her lesson to end at 12.45 then slack around at band room while waitin. Michelle was so funny, she thought iie went home while iie was lookin for teacher. So, she went out of school waitin for bus then she call again ask if we are still there, she come back look for us. lols.. then we all wait for teacher then went home. lols.. & we spend almost a period to get all the part As nn Bs to write a note for sinlee to ask her stay in ncc, then we giv it to her after school. She seems touch ? :D

Around 6 had tution. :)
She giv me chocolates again. so good of her. ;) she solve questions that ms neo say cannot be solve. so pro right ? hehees... shall end myy post here cos iie am really tired ! :P

heard a shockin news today. whyy things had become this way ? & she told him that there's no way turnin back anymore. awww... :'(
goin ncc tmw. :D

lots of love,
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Hi peeps !

iie am very piss off right now ?! Actually today is gonna be a happy post de lorhhs.. Lessons as normal then write proposal to go kota tingi for ncc. :) iie write a copy on behalf of all part Bs that want to go on one piece nn another piece for myself. :D went to giv them to ms nadleen after school then went art room to find ju nn mich, ju help mich with the art thingy. While me nn yeexuan went point to pack lunch, saw peiling nn huiqi there, peiling buy youtiao as usual, they goin back to school for muay thai. Then yeexuan come myy hus, eat & chit chat then use com. Gt somebody spam her blog lorhhs and she's damn angry. uue ken help her scold that person if uue want to, her link is http://ultimatesockrocker.blogspot.com/. :D

& the piss off thing that spoiled myy nice day is myy sister fren, once again !! :@
want to noe ? read myy monday's post (2nd paragraph) then iie go tag :
XIANGYUE': To JESTINE : uue keep quiet nn this blog will be more peaceful yea ? dun also quarrel with ppl.i'm nort sayin myy sister is correct bt hey at least check urself, take a step backwards gt so nan marhhs ? uue dun lyk peaceful isit ? lols..
& she start to scold me ! wth luhhs. iie am just sayin nicely right ?
see wat she say:
TO DINGJU SISTER: u tink u hu ??? shut up la hor... my mouth .. my freedom. i want peaceful okay.. hu dun want ??? but Ding ju start first... SHE SIMPLY SUX ! No one will like her lah ... SO BIG MOUTH LA HOR.. only scold scold all vulgar... she tink she my mother ah ?? wake up la hor... i dare ding ju arh.. if she dare scold me... i dare her scold me infront of teacher.... & by that everyone will call her very the "brave". this thing go on, want to see more go to the class blog, monday de post gt the link.

To jestine :
iie nv think iie am who, iie am nobody to uue and u're nobody to me. Bt hey uue are makin things diffcult for everyone. ya, it's ur mouth, uue hav the freedom to say anything uue want. So, iie ken also say watever iie want, wat rights do uue hav to ask me to shut up ?! if uue really want peaceful, whyy keep arguin with ppl ? & for goodness sake, she didnt start it first lorhhs. Even if she sucks, uue arent any better. How do uue noe that nobody lyk her ?! She big mouth, then urs very small isit ?! she scold vulgar, uue nv mehhs ? She nv think that she's ur mother lorhhs, please. uue then nid to wake up. Scoldin uue in front of teacher doesnt make her brave. So, wat if she scolds uue in front of teacher ? things get bigger nn bigger, uue lyk that isit ? still say want peaceful. && uue keep insultin ppl. uue say nobody lyk dingju then uue lehhs ? Ever since uue start this argument, nobody help uue lorhhs those who tagged are sidin myy sister. Please luhh uue, complain to teacher so ken myy sister right ? still say dare her to scold uue in front of teacher, whyy dun uue scold her in front of teacher. watever uue say, please think twice ken ?! iie talk nicely to uue then uue scold me. -.-

lots of love,
Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Lessons as usual... 1st two periods is lit, busy doin art cos ophila didnt noe must colour nn darken the thingy then iie do lorhhs... 16 pieces lorhhs !! :P then was cme nn chinese... was talkin to peiling, so nan de lorhhs cos iie keep her book away from her then she will talk to me one lorhhs, that bookworm ! hehees... :D after recess was science, as usual too, the first thing ms vani came into class, was to scold ppl. lols... then maths gt back class test, iie scored 23/25. pro lehhs ? hehees... jokin luhhs, everybody also gt 20plus, no big deal. iie help emily nn peiling do corrections. iie so good right ? hehees.. cos peiling say iie very nosiy, she keep readin her book, iie talk to her then she say me nosiy. T.T so, iie find myy own things to do lorhhs, lyk helpin ppl do corrections... hehees... see, peiling so bad lorhhs. :X 2 periods of english, was doin file-in... then pc then RING RING ~ the bell goes nn we went off. No assblemly today due to the prelims, tables nn chairs fill the hall. hahas... peiling, julia nn michelle go mall then iie of cos go home luhhs. Then michelle scold me zhong se qing you. :'( cos iie always say iie cant go out with them ever since that incident. Then friday iie went out to celebrate his birthday. T.T iie where gt zhong se qing you ?! :'( it is really a coincidence that myy sister want to go out that day too. Myy father say either we both go togther or dun go at all. That's whyy iie ken go out de marhhs. iie NV zhong se qing you lehhs... sob sob ~ hais...
& myy sister's class blog is so lame lorhhs, iie mean the tagboard. myy sister everyday complain to bout that jestine. The two of them everyday quarrel at the tagboard. so bo liao right ?? so iie leave a tag lorhhs, just to ask them to stop arguing. ridhwan leave a tag there too cos myy sister complain to him too. & guess wat, the quarrel stops for sometime, then myy sister go tag again then that person start to argue with her again !! -.- then myy sister nn her fren say wat '' dingju's jie nn jiefu tag, uue dun dare talk back then dingju tag uue start to talk back.'' very lol right ? uue guys ken take a look there too, http://1a1o8.blogspot.com/ lols... say until lyk me nn him are pai kia lyk that. please luhhs... iie wouldnt do that kind of thing ken ? iie love peace ! if iie am lyk wat they say, iie would hav scold some ppl which iie really would lyk to do so lorhhs bt because of peace, iie endure lorhhs. watever ~

** to whoever see le nort happy or watsoever, please kindly go away. if uue want scold me, then go ahead bt dun blame me if anything happens. this is nort a threat or watsoever, it's just a piece of advice cos uue will nv noe wat will happen, neither do iie. this is myy blog, iie ken write or say anything that iie want, it's myy freedom of speech. iie am nort a chao pai kia or watsoever. iie am just a netural person, iie am nort that kind of guai guai kid too bt definitely nort a pai kia. say or think watever uue want, cos iie hav no rights or power to control wat uue want to think or say. that's all, say more make me more piss only. whyy bother ? doesnt worth it anyway. lols...

lots of love,

Monday, September 8, 2008

Last day of the holiday le !! goin back school tmw le, which means exams are comin very very soon in 2 weeks time !! actually dun want to post de cos iie hav nth to post. Bt iie am too bored !! gonna start workin hard from tmw, if iie want to get good grades... hais.. goin to watch king kong ?? iie watch dunno how many times le lorhhs, myy father bought the dvd. -.- it hav a sad endin.. lols..

lots of love,
Sunday, September 7, 2008

Hi peeps !! :}
holiday is ending && EOYs are goin to be here soon !! Left only bout 2weeks.. :'( none of myy notes are complete yet... actually shld hav finish the science notes lorhhs bt iie was happily enjoyin myy holiday.. :X everyday eat, sleep, play.. Ahhh !! gonna start chiong-in when the school starts, cos iie am still in the hoilday mood, yea ? Oopps ~ hehees... iie am so way behind lorhhs, peiling finish her maths nn science notes soon, iie think mich finish her home-econ nn science notes le.. hais.. watever ~ lastly,
HAPPY 8mth ANNI ; BOYFRIEND !! :D iloveyou. <3

lots of love,

Friday, September 5, 2008

Today was a great & tiring day, yea ?? hahahas... Went paris ris with julia, peiling, junhao, adrian nn ridhwan. Today was the first time julia reach on time. Bt me nn peiling was late. iie was late cos of myy sister lorhhs, iie am suppose to leave home with her so iie hav to wait for her. iie long time ready le lorhhs, so it's nort fault... hehees... uue think iie pushin blame right ? i'm nort okays. Then pei myy sis go find her fren cos ju went up to peiling's hus to wait for her. Guess wat her fren say ? '' dingju, this one ur mei uh ?? '' hahahahahas !! so funny ! so, iie am young & myy sister is old... wahahahahas... :D then walk to bus stop wait for ju nn pl cos pl just finish eatin. Bus-ed to white sand, buy present for boyfriend... Then they come iie jump out lyk am idoit lorhhs. Cos they didnt noe that i'm goin, it meant to be a suprise. The idea on how am iie goin to surprise them, is plan by peiling. It's a failure, partly myy fault luhhs. iie just anyhow jump. Lyk siao zhar bo. lols... so paiseh luhhs... then walked to pasir ris park, rented bike. Me & ju share the double bike, startin was hell lorhhs then behind is rather fun. Then change to me nn him. it wasnt fun already cos iie am tired. Then end up he ownself cycle while iie walk with his bag... hehees... Then actually want go play at the beach bt then very far then walk back to E!hub. The guys to play pool while we went to buy cake. & of cos, he cant eat so ended up on his face. Everybody kena expect for julia ong cos she ran away le. iie didnt do anything lorhhs, iie just stand there then ridhwan paik on myy hair nn shirt. ROARS !! T.T then went to wash hair, so sticky. -.- then walk around cos dunno where to go. Go bowling, all lanes are full ; kbox ? nobody's gonna sing nn very exp lorhhs. Then want to go ice bladin bt then at explorer kid, so didnt go. Finally decide to go nebo nn play board games. Julia's chinese is gettin worse, she said '' aiya, let's go play nebo luhhs. '' then everybody keep laughin. hahahas.. Went to nebo, order drink nn food, then play a game which iie dunno wat's it is the name. It a very fun game lorhhs, uue will pick an animal randomly then make the sound of the animal. Then giv out the cards, smth lyk smack. When uue and somebody had the same card, uue must shout the sound of the animal of that sombody. If uue shout first, the somebody will hav to take the cards. First round, iie won ! :D follow by pl then ridhwan then julia, jh nn adrian lost cos they hav alot of cards. hahas.. Second round ju won followed by me, ridhwan then iie dunno le. :X cos iie went home while peiling, jh nn adrian continues cos they still hav alot of cards. hahas.. Too bad mich couldnt come lorhhs. :( spend bout 20plus today ?? i'm nort sure. xP saw chun fai on the way back bt didnt call him, he's opps the road lorhhs. hehees.. today was a great, fun & tiring day. :} tired !! hahas..

once again,
happy 17th birthday, boyfriend ! :] iloveyou. <3

lots of love,

caijun, peiling, me & ophila ! :D

Just finish tution & had dinner...
Gonna start revision on algebra all again next week cos iie totally sucks at it lorhhs. -.- must work hard to improve it, yea ? :( iie hate algebra !! :@ watever ~ kinda busy now so that's all for now, might post later or tmw barhhs... A DAY TO BOYFRIEND'S BIRTHDAY !! :D

lots of love,
Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Went hougang mall in the afternoon with myy mom to return books nn shop around. Saw an ex-classmate on bus, jh with dunno who at mall then outside saw myy father's fren's wife. She said iie hav grown very tall. Am iie ? iie still find myself short seh. -.- lol. nth much to post today, life repeats itself day by day... shall end myy post here instead of writing craps, yea ? lols.
3days to boyfriend's birthday ! :}

lots of love,
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Another day is passin just lyk yesterday... again iie wasted another day. didnt touch myy books again. MY GOD !! ppl are studyin hard for EOYs & here i'm slackin myy days away. :( cant find the mood to study sia. Anybody want to study with me ?? iie nid a study buddy !! Please, anyone want to come myy hus & study with me ? cos iie am trap home, nort allowed to go anywhere. T.T
Today wasnt totally wasted, iie guess. At less iie spend the morning cleanin myy table, the afternoon at NTUC with myy mom. -.- then from 2plus, myy hours are wasted away. lols... iie am rotten... -.- 3weeks to EOYs !! :@ 4 days to his birthday, 5 days to 8 mth anni. :D

lots of love,
Monday, September 1, 2008
Another day passin soon... Didnt study again, havent been touchin myy books for days. Really ought to be studyin bt then dun hav the mood to study lehhs.. tsk tsk... watever ~
gonna do the quiz that pohyi hav tagged me now (: it is a super long one...

1. The person who tag/pass you is?

2. Your relationship with him/her is?
Friends (a great fren of mine !)

3. Your five impression of him/her?
Sweet, chio, lovely, kind, sometimes a bit crazy ?

4. The most memorable thing he/she had done for you?
iie dun noe.

5. If most memorable thing he/she had said to you?
iie dun noe.

6. If he/she become your lover, you will?
iie am normal besides she's myy best fren :)

7. If he/she become your lover, thing he/she has to improve on will be?
there's no ans to this cos it will nv happen.

8. If he/she become your enemy, you will?
she's nort gonna be myy enemy. :D

9. If he/she become your enemy, the reason will be?
iie dunno, we wouldnt be enemy. :)

10. The most desired thing you want to do for him/her now is?
iie hav no idea.

11. Your overall impression of him/her is?
A nice gurl.

12. How you think people around you will feel about you?
iie dunno.

13. The characters you love of yourself are?
iie dunno.

14. On the contrary, the character you hate yourself are?
iie dunno.

15. The most ideal person you want to be is?
iie dunno, nobody in this world is perfect anyway.

16. For people that care and like you, say something to them.

17. Pass this quiz to 10 people that you wished to know how they feel about you.
They are : ( iie anyhow pick them)

(1) Michelle
(2) Julia
(3) YeeXuan
(4) Peiling
(5) Li Xuan
(6) Tina
(7) Chun Fai
(8) Alvin
(9) Melissa
(10) Jessica

18. Who is no.6 having relationship with? ( Tina )
iie dunno.
19. Is no.9 a male or female? ( Melissa )

20. If no.7 and no.10 are together, will it be a good thing? ( chunfai & jessica )
nort quite possible ? they dun even noe each other lorhhs.

21. What is no.2 studying about? ( Julia )
Huh ? watever sec 2s are learnin is wat's she learnin lorhhs.

22. When was the last time you had chat with no.3? ( YeeXuan )
Friday ?

23. What kind of music band does no.8 like? ( alvin )
iie hav no idea.

24. Does no.1 have any siblings? ( Michelle )
Yes, 2 elder brother.

25. Will you woo no.3? ( YeeXuan)
Oh please, iie am normal ken ?! & she's myy nuer...

26. How about no.7? ( Chun Fai )
Nort possible luhhs. iie am nort a gurl who will jio guys ken ?!

27. Is no.4 single? ( Peiling )

28. What is the surname of no.5? ( Li Xuan )

29. Whats the hobby of no.10? ( Jessica )
iie hav no idea.

30. Does no.5 and no.9 get along well? ( Li Xuan & Melissa )
yes ?

31. Where is no.2 studying at? ( Julia )
Hougang Sec.

32. Talk someting casually about no.1? ( Michelle )
hmm... dunno ?

33. Have you tried developing feelings for no.6? ( Tina )
No luhhs, we are just frens. :)

34. Where does no.9 live at? ( Melissa )

35. What colour does no.4 like? ( PeiLing )
If i'm nort wrong, blue ?

36. Are you no. 5 and no.1 best friend? ( LiXuan & Michelle )
iie dunno, ask them.

37. Is no.7 the sexiest person in the world? ( ChunFai)
No luhhs.

38. What is no.6 doing now? ( Tina )
iie dunno.

Finally iie hav completed the quiz. hahahas... To those who are tag to do this quiz for me, paiseh, iie anyhow pick de... :X good luck in doin this long quiz. & thankyou for doin it. :D

lots of love,